
Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Drama Assignment "The Proposal" Analysis


a play in one-act
By Anton Chekhov

1.      Character and Characterization
a.       Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov
Chubukov is a landowner. His physical looks like 70 years old. He is a kind-man and polite, for instance to his neighbor. He is relax and senile.
b.      Natalya Stepanovna
Natalya is a Chubukov’s daughter. She is 25 years old. Natalya is a fussy girl. She wants to get everything what she wants. She is in love, egad, she is like a lovesick cat.
c.       Ivan vassilevitch Lomov
Ivan is a neighbor of Chubukov. He is 35 years old, a critical age. Ivan is a large and hearty. If he gets nervous, his heart is palpitating awfully, especially when face with Natalya. He does not have a brave in front of woman.

2.      Setting
a.       Place
It is happened in Chubunkov’s country-house, exactly a t drawing room.
b.      Time
It is happened in evening, about 7 p.m.

3.      Plot Summary
In the evening, Lomov comes to Chubunkov’s house. He wears evening dress, gloves, hat, and so on. Chubunkov is surprised but feels so glad when meet him. Lomov says that he wants to propose Natalya, Chubunkov’s daughter. Chubunkov is very happy when hears that and directly accepts the proposal. Lomov feels he is not proper man to Natalya. It is the right time for Lomov to ask Natalya in marriage.
 Chubunkov shouts to call Natlya. Natalya enters to drawing room. She seems happy and shy. First, they are talking about the weather. Then when Lomov discusses Oxen meadows is his mine, Natalya becomes dies angry and says disagreement. She quarrels with Lomov to get land right. Natalya humiliates Lomov, she thinks that he is a good neighbor but Lomov is just a Land-grabber, Lomov cannot control has emotional sense and shout to Natalya. Natalya complains to her father and ask to him to state that Meadows is Chubukov’s mine. Lomov accuses Chubukov has taken the Meadows from Lomov’s family. He thinks that the Lomov’s is honorable people.
The situation becomes more critical, Lomov and Chubukov humiliate their families each other. Lomov’s heart cannot stop palpitate. Then he decides to leave that house. After Lomovs leaving them, Chubukov forgets to say that actually Lomov’s coming is to propose Natalya. He wants to make a proposal. Natalya is shocked when hear that. She wants Lomov comeback soon. Natalya shall acknowledge that Oxen Meadows is Lomov’s mine. She also asks forgiving about debating before. Chubukov is greatly astonished with the alteration of his daughter opinion.
Natalya and Lomov talk of something else. They talk about their dogs. Nevertheless, they repeat their fight anymore. Lomov argues that Guess is the best dog. He is a first-rate dog. However, Natalya disagree it, the squeezer is better than Guess. They do it again, humiliate to each other. Chubukov joins the dispute. They compare their dogs and tell the ugliness.
Suddenly, Lomov feels numb and collapse. Natalya shouts to her papa, Lomov has died. Chubukov is frightened and take a drink to make Lomov awake. Unexpectedly, Lomov becomes aware, and Chubukov ask to them marry as quickly. Natalya is willing to marry with Lomov. They kiss each other, and Natalya said that Lomov wants to admit Guess is worse that squeezer. Lomov disagree it, and argues that Guess is the best.

4.      Conclusion
The conclusion is a relationship between man and society. It appears when the Lomov visits to Chubukov’s house and want to propose Natalya. Chubukov’s attitude to Lomov is kind and polite; it can be called a good neighbor. From the story, we can take message, if we want to make a good neighborhood; we have to be nice and do not fight to each other.

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